Template Snips for Laravel .Blade files

<?php @php echo “<pre style=’color:#fff;’>”; print_r($data); echo “</pre style=’color:#fff;’>”; @endphp @php echo “<pre>”; print_r($data); echo “</pre>”; @endphp @php echo...

DropdownButtonFormField & Validation from API

Requirements : – API Service- Object Model Developer Recommendation : NB!!! – Use QuickType for your model. (You need an already working api with a JSON response for quicktype) https://app.quicktype.io/ – DropDownMenuItem NB!!! – The...

Excell Calculations for Text after and Before Space

Excel give characters after space If you want to extract the text after space only, use this formula =MID(A1,FIND(” “,A1)+1,256) Excel give characters before space Extract text before or after space with formula in ExcelYou can quickly extract the text...

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