Bootstrap Mobile Optimisation

The best CSS library I have ever used for mobile Optimisation! After full time developing since 2016 I still used this one almost every project I complete. In terms of mobile optimisation. Bootstrap remains king! It is simple and easy to...

Derek Banas Learn in One Video

Check out this Derek Banas! Derek Banas was an amazing resource when I was starting out in programming and still to this day is fantastic. He covers fundamentals and explains tpoics very well and clearly for you to understand. I highly recommend this channel! You can...

Divi Remove Project Post Type

By Adding the below snippet to your WordPress functions.php file you can remove the Divi Project Post Type which is added by Default. add_filter( ‘et_project_posttype_args’, ‘mytheme_et_project_posttype_args’, 10, 1 ); function...

Laravel Redirect Index to Public

Edit your htaccess file. This alone will redirect your root o the public folder. If you have a lot inside of your htaccess file. Be careful while adding stuff. Ensure you keep a backup before editing and test the addition of the code inside the htaccess file....

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