Vue / Axios Post‘/your-url-or-api-destination’, payload) .then((response) => { // Show Success Message this.$bvToast.toast(‘Terms and Conditions Saved’, { title: ‘Success’, variant: ‘success’, solid: true }); })...

Manually Started – JS Cronjob

When you write your script and save it, it will not automatically run. You must load the file first. After loading the file the cronjob will continue running automatically. <script type=”text/javascript”> // Cron Timer (Set run timer)...


$(“#debtor-customer-filter”).on(‘submit’, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var data = new FormData(this); $(“#debtors-table”).DataTable().destroy(); $(“#debtors-list”).load(“debtor/filterCustomerDebtorById”,...

Easy Javascript Wizard

INTRO JS Wizard steps are managed with simple HTML attributes data-step=”1″ data-intro=”This is a tooltip for wizard step 1!”data-step=”2″ data-intro=”This is the second...

Ajax Post

In the Ajax submits you will see a variable. formdata The below snippet is what you must append to the top of your Ajax call to initiate the variable Otherwise you need to change the variable to what ever you are targeting. var formdata = new FormData;...

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