Add to favorites<?php
echo date_default_timezone_set('UTC');
/* The terrminology for this function
h : 12 hour format
H : 24 hour format
i : Minutes
s : Seconds
u : Microseconds
a : Lowercasw am or pm
l : Full text for the day
F : Full text for the month
j : Day of the month
S : Suffix for the day st, nd, rd, etc
Y : 4 digit y
e : timezone
echo date('h:i:s:u a, l F jS Y e');
$h = 'h';
$H = 'H';
$i = 'i';
$s = 's';
$u = 'u';
$a = 'a';
$l = 'l';
$F = 'F';
$j = 'j';
$S = 'S';
$Y = 'Y';
$e = 'e';
echo "12 hour format : ";echo date($h); echo "<br>";
echo "24 hour format : ";echo date($H); echo "<br>";
echo "Minutes : ";echo date($i); echo "<br>";
echo "Seconds : ";echo date($s); echo "<br>";
echo "Microseconds : ";echo date($u); echo "<br>";
echo "Lowercasw am or pm : ";echo date($a); echo "<br>";
echo "Full text for the day : ";echo date($l); echo "<br>";
echo "Full text for the month : ";echo date($F); echo "<br>";
echo "Day of the month : ";echo date($j); echo "<br>";
echo "Suffix for the day st, nd, rd, etc : ";echo date($S); echo "<br>";
echo "4 digit y : ";echo date($Y); echo "<br>";
echo "timezone : ";echo date($e); echo "<br>";