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Step 1:
– Create a folder in your C drive called Flutter
– Download Flutter SDK and copy it into your Flutter folder
– Download Flutter here -> https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install/windows
– Extract Flutter into your folder. Then you remove the zip folder.

Step 2:
– Open your START MENU, and search “Edit Environment Variables For Your Account
– Open it
– Assuming you copied your Flutter to C:\flutter
– In your environment Variables there is a Path option
– Edit Path and add a new variable and in there add the path to your Bin folder in Flutter

Step 3:
– During install ensure you select Android SDK and HAXM and Android Virtual Device
– Download and Install Android Studio

Step 4:
– Open your CMD or Power Shell and run “flutter doctor
– If you get and ERROR for “Android licenses not accepted
— Run “flutter doctor –android-licenses
— Accept the licenses and run flutter doctor again to check

Step 5:
– Download and Install Java JDK
– Open your START MENU, and search “Edit Environment Variables For Your Account
– Now you are just going to add a new Variable
– Create a Folder in your C drive called Java
– Set you Variable Name to “JAVA_HOME
– Set your Variable Value to “C:\Java\jdk-16.0.1” (Your Variable Value is the path to your Java JDK)

Step 6:
– In your C drive create a folder “flutter_projects
– Open your C:\flutter_projects in CMD or Power Shell

(READ -> naming convention in flutter, all lower case and no spaces and no dashes)
– Run “flutter create project_name”

Step 7:
– Open your project in Android Studio. You will see an android icon when you search for it. Just open the folder for that project.
– You should be prompted for a flutter plugin. Accept and install the flutter plugin and then you can minimize your Android Studio.

Step 8:
– Open Visual Studio Code and install the Flutter and Dart Plugins
– You can find them by searching your packages with ” publisher:”Dart Code”

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